Nu är det snart dags att få iväg alla julkort! Vissa år hinner man pyssla några själv men de senaste åren så har det varit J och nu även L som har prytt dessa hälsningar. Men när jag tänker mig ett julkort så är det nog Lisi Martins härliga bilder jag ser framför mig. De har definitivt varit med och format bilden av en drömjul för mig eller vad tycker ni?

Nu är det ju så fantastiskt med internet och lätt som en plätt så kan man googla lite på den här kvinnans namn och få lite information om henne... sådant tycker jag är jättekul! Har tidigare bloggat om Sarah Kay t ex.
Lisi Martin
were born in Barcelona, Spain. Lisi works with really perfection and demands a lot to her artwork. She shows you the childrens wonderful world of fantasy, a world that often got lost by adults.
.. this you can read at most of her postcards.
The perfection you can see on her cards. Every time you look again at her images, you will find another tiny detail, you didn`t realise before.
were born in Barcelona, Spain. Lisi works with really perfection and demands a lot to her artwork. She shows you the childrens wonderful world of fantasy, a world that often got lost by adults.
.. this you can read at most of her postcards.
The perfection you can see on her cards. Every time you look again at her images, you will find another tiny detail, you didn`t realise before.
When and where were you born.?
Lisi: I was born in 1944 in Barcelona
Would you like to tell me something about your family?(do you have a sister or brother, maybe both and so on..)
Lisi: I have only one brother, older than me.
How was your childhood?
Lisi: I had my studies in a religious college, and, I remember perfectly my first class of drawing; the teacher showed my work to the every body, It was a train in black pencil.
Lisi: I was born in 1944 in Barcelona
Would you like to tell me something about your family?(do you have a sister or brother, maybe both and so on..)
Lisi: I have only one brother, older than me.
How was your childhood?
Lisi: I had my studies in a religious college, and, I remember perfectly my first class of drawing; the teacher showed my work to the every body, It was a train in black pencil.
At what time you started to paint?
Lisi: I’ve been drawing since I was at last 4 ó 5 years old, but I’d never noticed that I was god with it. Because I was quite timid and lonesome I realised a world of fantasy in my imagination.
Did you learn any career?
Lisi: When I was 16 i started my art studies in the “Escuela Massana de arte”, in Barcelona. But this kind of illustration in those years wasn’t learn in any school.When i was 19 i started to work in a cartoon studios, mean while I was drawing my first Christmas card in my free time. It happened when i was 20 and still... to now.
How do you live today?
Lisi: I’m married and the mother of two boys: Gerard 30, and Eduard 26. I’m living in Barcelona with my husband, Ferran, and my dog Elsie, the fox-terrier that has been often painted in my cards.
Lisi: I’ve been drawing since I was at last 4 ó 5 years old, but I’d never noticed that I was god with it. Because I was quite timid and lonesome I realised a world of fantasy in my imagination.
Did you learn any career?
Lisi: When I was 16 i started my art studies in the “Escuela Massana de arte”, in Barcelona. But this kind of illustration in those years wasn’t learn in any school.When i was 19 i started to work in a cartoon studios, mean while I was drawing my first Christmas card in my free time. It happened when i was 20 and still... to now.
How do you live today?
Lisi: I’m married and the mother of two boys: Gerard 30, and Eduard 26. I’m living in Barcelona with my husband, Ferran, and my dog Elsie, the fox-terrier that has been often painted in my cards.

Mer info. om denna illustratör samt fler bilder kan du hitta här:
Ha det så bra tills vi ses igen imorgon!
5 kommentarer:
Hej på dig.
Hoppas det snöar på dig.
Här vräker det ner snö just nu. Härlgt.
Vilka fina kort det var i dagens lucka. Julstämningen kryper närmare och närmare.
Ha nu en fin kväll.
kram Synne.
Åh vilka härliga kort! Ser verkligen ut som den perfekta julen:)
Kram Annica
Gulliga kort!
Javisst är det kul att man kan hitta info om det mesta via Google numera!
Tack också för söta ord på min blog!;-)
Håller med dig om att de bilderna som hon gjort är jättefina.
Men jag har aldrig hört talas om hennes namn.
En annan som har gjort så många fina julmotiv är Jenny Ängstrand, eller vad tycker du?
Riktigt fina kort! Jag gör några egna julkort och köper några. Allt efter tid i lust. Kram!
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